Today is one of the most important days of the year for a Christian.
Today is the day that Jesus went to the cross, to pay MY sin.
Today is the day he endured spitting, slapping, a crown of thorns, being whipped until his skin was raw.
Today is the day he willingly took that heavy cross upon those bleeding, ripped open shoulder and went to Golgatha.
Today is the day that he was nailed to that cross by the Romans while the rest of the world was watching, either in absolute disbelief and fear, or mocking him because they thought they had won.
Today is the day that those nails, were my sin.
Today is the day that Jesus took the punishment that was meant for me.
Today is the day that Satan thought he had won. But just you wait Satan, just you wait.
Today is the day that is indescribable love for me, held him on that cross.
Today is the day that Jesus gave His life, for mine.
Let me tell you something amazing. He also did this for YOU!