Für meine Deutschen Freunde

This is a post for all of my German speaking readers who may not always understand everything I write on this blog.   Hallo meine Lieben, Erst mal möchte ich mich bei euch allen für eure Liebe, Gebete und Segenswünsche bedanken, die ihr mir in den letzen 22 Monaten hab zu kommen lassen. Heute möchte […]

Devastating News

Follow up post radiation treatments On November 8, 2016 I had my follow up appointment with Dr. J. to get the news how everything looks post radiation. The next day I was supposed to fly out to Toronto, meet up with Annika and go to Disney World. Jeff was working that day. He talked to […]

Amazing Recovery

All right, where do I even begin? It has been a while sine my last blog update. I decided to make this into a few different post. That way I can give a better overview over the last month and a half. When I updated this page last, I was just finishing radiation and was […]

Home Stretch – Almost done

ONLY 5 TREATMENTS LEFT!!! You can’t imagine how happy I am that I am almost done. That we are getting to the end of this part of my journey. The last couple weeks have been getting progressively worse in the sense of side effects. Taste Last time I had updated, I had mentioned my taste […]

First week of radiation treatments done

Cross Cancer appointments I had a total of 7 radiation treatments over the last week and a bit. I started on Thursday August 25, 2016. Jeff took the day off so he could take me to my first appointment. Since he is at the Cross Cancer Institute very often for work, he knows his way […]

It’s getting serious – Day by day

.So it’s getting serious!! I have had many appointments at the since my last post. All of them are to get ready for radiation treatments to start. It was a very busy, productive and strengthening week. We are currently taking it day by day. I will post a couple pictures that might not be so […]