Für meine Deutschen Freunde
This is a post for all of my German speaking readers who may not always understand everything I write on this blog. Hallo meine Lieben, Erst mal möchte ich mich bei euch allen für eure Liebe, Gebete und Segenswünsche bedanken, die ihr mir in den letzen 22 Monaten hab zu kommen lassen. Heute möchte […]
A long overdue Update
This is the longest time I have gone without updating my blog since its inception. So many reasons for that, but mostly I think is that I am doing pretty well and there haven’t been any super “Breaking News” moments in a while. Its more like living life, making sense of life. Maybe lets start […]
Best News … Yet
No, I’m not pregnant! As much as my mom would probably love that, but as of right now, this news is actually even better! My cancer is not hereditary!!!!!! Praise the Lord! It’s definitely the biggest answer to prayer so far! It’s been an unbelievably long time to get these results, but they are finally […]
Another swift Recovery
Less than one year after my first surgery, June 7, 2017 I went in for surgery number 2. Starting in about January or February, I had a nodule just above my right collarbone that has been starting to bother me. When I first notices it, it wasn’t so bad yet. I could definitely feel t […]
Treatment Planning with Toronto
I am again overdue for a quick update on how my treatment planning looks. Especially since our trip to Ontario. We are so glad that we went to Toronto. I am so glad I persisted, that I needed to go and see Dr. K. at Princess Margaret Hospital. I am relieved that I didn’t just […]
1st Cancerversary
It is May 31, 2017. It has been a year since I was sitting in Dr. S.’s office getting the news that I in fact have cancer and that it is Medullary Thyroid Cancer. It’s hard to believe that it truly has been a full year already. So much has happened through this year, many […]