Stepping into the World of Photography – focus on Family Photography
In June 2021, I made the decision to make my love of photography not just something I shared while taking pictures of my family. I decided to step into the scary world of putting myself and my photography skills out there for everyone to see. When I was 13, I received my very first camera […]
Staying the course
Life has been busy over the last few months. Oh, who am I kidding, the last couple years. Hello, parenting. However, it has been the best couple of years I would say. Luke has brought so much joy and spunk to our life. It is really fun and incredible to watch him grown and explore […]
Für meine Deutschen Freunde
This is a post for all of my German speaking readers who may not always understand everything I write on this blog. Hallo meine Lieben, Erst mal möchte ich mich bei euch allen für eure Liebe, Gebete und Segenswünsche bedanken, die ihr mir in den letzen 22 Monaten hab zu kommen lassen. Heute möchte […]