The ups and downs of Anxiety

Anxiety. No matter who you are, no matter what your life situation is, chances are you have been effected by it in one way or another. Either personally or through a loved one. Anxiety is felt differently by every person, but every person will tell you it’s not a pleasant feeling. Personally, I have a […]

It hurts my heart

The inability to sing, it hurts my heart! Coming out of my first surgery, I knew that it was a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to speak at all. I was somewhat prepared for it and praying hard that it wouldn’t be the case. My dad often says that the first thing I said […]

Finding Beauty in Brokenness

I want to share more with you about how I got to this place of admitting my struggles, admitting that I needed help, admitting that I need more of God. Like mentioned in my previous post “Admitting the Uncomfortable”, it feels like God has been peeling back the layers on my mask slowly but surely. […]

Admitting the Uncomfortable

This one has been on my heart for over 2 months. I have been struggling with how to say this, if to talk about this in the first place, how much to share. Its been a somewhat turmoil like couple of months, not on a health platform, but on a mental and emotional platform. So […]


I feel STUCK! I think that is the best way to describe my current state in one word… stuck. In every aspect of my life right now I feel in one way or another stuck. Let me explain what I mean by that. I want to be very open and honest, not all of it […]